Thursday, June 10, 2021


Hello, I did another blog restart on a whim because I suddenly had things to say (feels I was feeling) and wanted to write them down before I lost them.

In this blog, I'll be allowing myself to propose very sweeping theories about the nature of both my and others' internal experiences. That's a big liberty, so I'm hoping to counterbalance it by emphasizing the need for correction. Maybe by this process, both I and my readers can have a shot at adjusting hidden assumptions.

So if I write something that outrages you, please respond to it in the comments section. I'm even open to ad-hominems, e.g. "you probably think this because of your childhood experience of...etc", if you feel inclined. 

If I only hear from people who agree with me, I won't be able to see where I might be going wrong. So, if you feel inclined, I hope you help me out. :3

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