Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Part 5: seriously what the fuck, Kathleen

I think a lot of what I wrote below is fated to get deeply rewritten or just canned. Armchair psychology must be among the worst kinds of armchair thought. In any event, if these opinions of mine are going to be remotely shareable, first I have to open myself up to outside information and research about what I myself mean by "overly black-and-white thinking." 

At this moment, I don't have a precise idea of it. I only know that anxiety makes me feel like "all or nothing" are the only two options at times when there have proven later to be many more. "All or nothing" takes on the same felt-sense of inescapability as an if/else statement in code, but falsely. If I don't provide some precise means of discerning anxiety-driven versus logic-driven application of the if/else sense, and demonstrate how this differentiates traditionalist thinking, then honestly, I need to just go back to keeping a lid on it on these topics.

1 comment:

  1. Cannot it feel good to discard what you have written? I love it; it feels like sloughing off a skin that is dead, that was slowing you down, dragging you down. Drop all that seems confusing and bounce upwards with new lightness; assert only what appears with certainty :-)

    I eagerly await more.

